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  • ASRT Announcement

Polls Open for 2021 ASRT Election

Feb 16, 2021

Online voting for the 2021 ASRT election opens today. Eligible members are urged to cast their vote at our secure voting website during this period.

The ASRT election provides members with the opportunity to elect national officers for the Society’s Board of Directors and delegates for each ASRT chapter. Voters are encouraged to review the officer and delegate candidate profiles. Use this comprehensive information to get to know the candidates and learn about their positions on specific radiologic technology topics.

For more information about the ASRT election process, see this page. You also may contact ASRT Member Services at 800-444-2778 or [email protected].


The ASRT Election voting period has been extended! Qualified members now have until 11:59 pm Mountain Time, March 16 to cast their vote. Please make plans now to join the conversation and let your voice be heard.