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Advertiser E-Blast Submission Form

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Mailing Content

Maximum 30 characters


Maximum 40 characters

Body Copy

Content may include: Bulleted List; Double or Triple Column with thumbnail images (Thumbnail image 100px W x 100px H; 72ppi, JPG format); Button Text
Enter your text in the button above.
Provide web hex code #000000 (will be seen on headings and button)


Upload Content
Masthead Image should be: 600px wide, up to 400px high, 72 ppi, JPG format; ZIP file for multiple files.

Technical Specifications

Content/File Upload Specification
Subject Line Maximum 30 characters
Teaser (Preheader) Text Maximum 40 characters
Primary Message Includes: Heading, Paragraph(s)
Additional Content (optional) Includes: Bulleted List Text, Button Text, Custom Color (Applied to button and heading text) Provide six digit hex color code
Hyperlink Applied to: Button, Images, Text as instructed
Company contact information  
Images JPG format, 72ppi, Masthead image 800px W x up to 400px H, Thumbnail images 250px W x 250px H (optional), 5 image limit
Plain text copy of content Acceptable formats: .TXT, .DOC, .HTML, .RTF, .ZIP
Restrictions Animated GIFs, JavaScript