
ASRT Curricula
Cardiac-Interventional and Vascular-Interventional Curriculum

The ASRT updates and revises its curricula on a five-year cycle, and the adoption process for the current Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum was completed in 2024. Roughly 85% of medical imaging and radiation therapy educators rely on ASRT’s curriculum documents as a major factor in determining their program’s curriculum. However, in a survey conducted by the ASRT Research Department, it was identified that 9% of respondents who knew about the Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum followed it fully or partially. Most respondents used it as a reference (33%), knew about it but didn’t use it (48%), or didn’t know about it at all (10%).

Considering the survey results, the ASRT education department recognizes the need to increase exposure for the Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum. Working closely with the Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum Revision Workgroup, the existing curriculum was pared down significantly and will be added to the “Additional Concentrations” section of the Radiography Curriculum document during the next revision cycle in 2027.

There was overlap between the Radiography and Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum documents. For example, information covering basic patient care procedures, technical applications and x-ray equipment, and radiation safety and protection is available in both the 2022 Radiography Curriculum and the 2019 Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum located in the Historical Documents section. By relying on the Radiography Curriculum to cover these general topics, the new Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum is able to provide the same key content, but with increased exposure to a larger audience.

To help expand on this outline of Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum practices, please refer to the Resources section of the 2024 adopted Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Curriculum for a list of textbooks, websites, and bone health organizations used to determine the major content areas.


Email comments concerning the adopted professional curriculum to [email protected]