• On May 9, 2024, the ASRT site will undergo maintenance between 5pm - 7pm MDT. The ASRT site might be unavailable at times during this maintenance.
ASRT Affiliate Speakers Bureau logomark

Thank you for your interest in the ASRT Affiliate Speakers Bureau. To give you access to the most up-to-date information, the ASRT Speakers Bureau page has been replaced by the ASRT Communities.

The ASRT Communities is a private social network that allows ASRT members to connect with more than 156,000 colleagues, find answers, start discussions and view posted resources. If you’re new to the Communities, use this step-by-step guide, which explains how to set up your profile, manage your community subscriptions, contribute to a discussion, upload files and more.

If you’re seeking speakers for your affiliate conference, post your recruitment message in the Communities to solicit interested speakers. You can post to all 18 Communities, which include areas from radiography and radiation therapy to military and education.

If you’re a speaker who is interested in participating in an ASRT affiliate event, post a message to the Communities asking affiliate representatives to contact you directly.