
ASRT Curricula
Magnetic Resonance Curriculum

The ASRT updates and revises its curricula on a five-year cycle. The current MR Curriculum was adopted by the ASRT’s Education Committee in 2020. This sets a target of 2025 to complete the update process for the next version of the MR Curriculum. This process includes curriculum review, revision, community review and comment, and submission for formal adoption.

ASRT is asking for public comment on the existing MR Curriculum before the curriculum revision workgroup convenes. An email account has been created to record comments from the community about the curriculum. These comments will be shared with the curriculum revision project workgroup as they consider changes. Please submit your comments to by May 5, 2024.

Following this initial comment period, the curriculum revision project workgroup will prepare a draft document to be posted on the ASRT website for another period of community review and comment. The goal of this project is to have a final document available for consideration of adoption by early 2025.


Email comments concerning the adopted professional curriculum to