State Licensure for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Professionals


What is State Licensure?

State licensure ensures that only educationally prepared, clinically competent and qualified professionals perform medical imaging examinations and radiation therapy procedures. State licensure is a policy process that sets the standards for education, training and scope of practice in a state. It also provides essential oversight of the profession, by the profession, to protect both patients and professionals. State licensure serves the public by protecting it from incompetent, unprofessional or improperly trained individuals.

Currently 37 states have licensure for radiography and even fewer states license other disciplines.

Licensure and regulations vary by state.

ASRT Licensure Map

Common Misconceptions About Licensure

MISCONCEPTION Licensure is a money grab for the state.

TRUTH Licensure fees are not a source of taxation. They help cover the operational costs associated with maintaining the activities of the state licensing board or oversight committee, including but not limited to recordkeeping, standards enforcement and staff salaries. Licensure boards are required to be revenue neutral.

MISCONCEPTION Licensure is a barrier to employment.

TRUTH Licensure ensures that professionals meet the necessary qualifications, creating a competitive, safe and efficient workforce without unnecessarily limiting job access.

MISCONCEPTION Licensure doesn’t improve patient safety.

TRUTH Without state licensure, medical imaging facilities may prioritize meeting the minimum requirements for reimbursement rather than ensuring the highest standards of patient care. Licensure mandates specific educational and practical standards, reducing the risk of harmful incidents related to radiologic procedures.

Why Is State Licensure Important?

With the growing complexity of medical imaging and radiation therapy, proper training is essential to minimize risks and deliver safe, effective patient care. Having a national credential isn’t enough if the state doesn’t require or recognize it.


Protection of the scope of practice

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Licensure defines the roles and responsibilities of medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals, ensuring that only licensed professionals who have met the nationally recognized education, training and credentialing standards are allowed to perform specific medical imaging and radiation therapy procedures.

Patient safety

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Proper use of high-tech medical imaging and radiation therapy equipment requires specialized training. Improper use can lead to harmful exposure, delayed diagnosis and other negative outcomes. Licensure ensures that medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals meet stringent requirements before interacting with patients.

Prevention of misuse

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Licensure ensures only those who have met the nationally recognized education, training and credentialing requirements perform medical imaging and radiation therapy procedures. Additionally, it creates a state-level oversight board comprised of medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals. The oversight board is critical to hold individuals accountable to professional behavior standards and has the authority to sanction violations.

You're not alone in feeling the weight of burnout, short-staffing, and financial strain, and as an ASRT member, we can fight together for the change our profession needs. Licensure is more than just a policy process — it’s a safeguard for your career, your livelihood and the future of patient care.
By joining your professional association, we can tackle these systemic issues head-on and build a stronger, more respected profession for all of us.


How Do LXMOs Fit With Licensure?
Here’s What You May Not Know.

Limited x-ray machine operators fill a basic paraprofessional position in medical imaging and provide essential medical services, especially in underserved and rural communities. LXMOs should complete an educational program based on the ASRT’s LXMO curriculum and function within their scope of practice defined by ASRT’s LXMO Practice Standards. Also, many LXMOs take a state licensing exam provided by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.


How ASRT Advocates for Licensure

By championing licensure laws, ASRT supports the creation of a well-trained, highly competent workforce that can safely and effectively deliver medical imaging services. ASRT actively works to advocate for the implementation and enforcement of education and training standards. This includes:

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Grassroots efforts: ASRT and partner organizations engage with lawmakers to push for strong licensure requirements across all states.

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Public education: ASRT provides educational resources to professionals to inform decision-makers and the public about the importance of licensure.

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Collaboration: ASRT partners with government and health care organizations to establish and maintain high standards of practice.

Learn More about ASRT's advocacy for licensure.

Visit the Advocacy Action Center